Digital Homologation Process
Automotive manufacturers (OEM) and suppliers (tier-n) are subject to world-wide strict standards such as UNECE regarding type approval. Various points in a company's value chain, from development to aftersales, must process vehicle data as part of homologation in order to obtain official type approval. In the absence of certification for the relevant market, new vehicle types, vehicles or components cannot be approved.
Do you have any questions?
Christina Brandstetter
Business Development Automotive
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Digitalization of Your Homologation Process
The availability and processing of relevant supplier and own development data is a challenge for you? Your homologation process is prone to errors and not sufficiently transparent due to a large number of manual interfaces? The assessment of the homologation-relevance of individual changes is becoming too complex for you with an increasing number of variants?
Improve your homologation process through digitalization and learn how you get a firm grip on increasing complexity. Let's discuss together in an initial orientation meeting what added value you can achieve.

Fig. 1. Digitalization of your homologation process
You benefit from best practices from numerous homologation projects of msg, also from other industries, to map the process quickly and securely with a single source of truth.
The msg UN Regulation Assessment
With the UN regulation assessment, we have developed an innovative approach to determine your company's level of maturity for compliance with UNECE WP.29 regulations. You receive recommendations for action and an implementation roadmap that is aligned with your certification partner. The impact on your processes and IT systems is recorded and evaluated in a structured way to find out which steps are still necessary for your certification.
The UN regulation assessment guides you to your individual implementation roadmap in four steps:

Fig.2 The msg UN Regulation Assessment
You have to comply with the requirements from one of these UN regulations but do not know how? Together, we identify recommended actions and create a structured plan for your successful certification.
Our Strengths Are Your Benefits
Benefit from our strengths such as our expertise in UN regulations and in the homologation process with years of experience in the automotive industry. For the maturity level assessment of your company and digitalization of processes, we rely on established tools and methods. If required, we assist you beyond the assessment to the adjustment of your processes and IT systems – all from a single source.

Fig.3: Our Strengths Are Your Benefits